
Showing posts from February, 2020


Gentlemen, I am here to speak with you on Prostate. The topic is misleading. Is prostate strictly for men? Yes, ONLY men have prostate and ONLY men over 40 years but the healthcare enlightenment is for everyone. There is no woman who does not know a man 40 years and above, father, uncle, brother, son, friend, neighbour, colleague... Essentially what I will be doing today is health promotion. Responsible health promotion must provide three things: 1. Information 2. Reassurance 3. A plan of action. Let me start with a background on prostate health. Everyone has a pair of kidneys. The job of the kidney is to remove waste. It is the LAWMA (waste management company) of your body. Everyday your blood passes through the kidney several times to be filtered. As the blood is filtered, urine is formed and stored in a temporary storage tank called the urinary bladder. If there were to be no urinary bladder, as a man walks on the road, urine will be dropping. Now think of the p

Joke of the Day

A female class teacher was having a problem with a boy in her class in Primary 3. The boy said, "Madam, I should be in Primary 4. I am smarter than my sister and she's in Primary 4". The Madam had heard enough and took the boy to the principal. The principal decided to test the boy with some questions from Primary 4. . Principal: What is 3+3? Boy: 6. Principal: 6+6. Boy: 12. The boy got all the questions right. The principal told the Madam to send the boy to Primary 4 immediately. The Madam decided to ask her own questions and the principal agreed. Madam: What does a cow have 4 of that I have only 2? Boy: Legs. Madam: What is in your trousers that I don't have? Boy: Pockets. Madam: What starts wit a C and ends with T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin, whitish liquid? Boy: Coconut. Madam: What goes in hard and then comes out soft and sticky? * The principal's eyes opened really wide, but before he could stop the answer, the boy


If you have ever noticed that not everyone eat the same thing or do the same exercise.  Our blood type reflect our internal chemistry. It's actually determine the way we absorb nutrients. What food we absorb well and how our body handles stress differs with each blood type. EAT RIGHT 4 your type will help you design a total health program that's right for your blood type.  IF YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS O: - Eat meat (high protein, low carbohydrate). -Cut out wheat and most other grains. -Engage in vigorous aerobic exercise. - Your risk factors for ulcers and inflammatory issues such as arthritis increase  if you eat incorrectly for ur type.  IF UR BLOOD TYPE IS A: - U should be a vegetarian (high carbohydrate, low fat). - Engage in gentle exercise such as Yoga or golf. - Meditate to deal with stress. - Your risk factors for cancer and heart disease increase if you eat incorrectly for ur type.  IF YOUR BLOOD TYPE IS B: - You should have the most varied diet o

The real reason US suspends Immigrant travel Visas on Nigerians.

By Princewill Odidi The real reason US suspends Immigrant travel Visas on Nigerians. It has little or nothing to do with Boko Haram, has nothing to do with Buhari, has nothing to do with arrest and detention of journalist, has nothing to do with Nigeria’s ban on gays and lesbian, but has everything to do with absence of a workable system in our identification and verification processes. The main reason Nigeria is suspended from Immigrant visas category is because Nigeria does not have a credible background investigation system that groups like Interpol can rely on to vert and certify originality. What that means is that if someone commits a crime in lagos and relocates to Kano, there’s no system that can be used to track crimes and people across state lines. Virtually all African countries have such systems even Ghana has it, Cameroun everyone has original birth certificates but nigeria prefers to have multiple identity cards not because they are interested in monitoring an